Sunday 19 August 2012

tropical holiday day 9

back to the airport

onto the plane
off the plane
collecting the luggage

later that night

early next morning leaving the hospital -
the holiday is truly over.

tropical holiday day 8

the day starts with great promise - 
we spend the morning shopping

we decide to eat over the water

then the weather looks ominous

 it rains for the first time

I decide against lying on the beach
I walk up a hill to a lookout over the bay
this time it's cannons
I enjoy the setting sun
then realize it will suddenly be dark
it is hard to see on the way down but still quite early

we go to the restaurant
which has a hole in the floor
open to the sea

the meal is perfect

home tomorrow

tropical holiday day 7

last day in the old hotel
celebrated the last day of school with sushi
moved to the new hotel in the tourist zone
separate room for me
with a view

then visited the aquarium

find the fish

afterwards on the beachfront
the island we hope to visit the next day
perfect for lying on the beach
we are told

tropical holiday day 6

another early start,walking a long way
to the zoo

view of the nickel mine
which pollutes but earns a lot of money
up high, can see the hilly island
 where younger daughter
is at school
high points either have cannons
or religious monuments

unfortunately the zoo was only open
 to primary school groups
we kept walking and saw papaya trees

locals barked aggressively
while wagging their tails
we entered a hidden valley
of huts
sleepy locals
and public housing

then we returned to town
for the weekly market and fair
the square was no longer empty
stalls had been erected

local foods were on sale
manioc, wrapped in leaves 
and cooked on coals

later another type of meal

then tired, early to bed again