Thursday 12 January 2012

back at work

Everyone is nice to me. People have worked to cover for my holiday. Now it is my turn.

I am too slow. No lunch again.

Called to theatre for a patient bleeding heavily after removal of retained placental tissue eight days after delivery, despite oxytocin, ergometrine, misoprostol and prostaglandin F 2 alpha. The uterus was too small for a Bakhri balloon after eight days so I injected another dose of ergometrine into the uterine muscle directly through the abdominal wall then inserted a double balloon cervical catheter usually used for induction of labour. A hundred ml in the uterine segment was all it took to stop the bleeding. It can be removed tomorrow.

Then back to the patients in clinic who ask if everything is now ok. I recall the blood all over the patient, the sheets and the floor, the anxious staff and the very pale patient and say, "No problems".

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