Sunday 11 September 2011

true knot, flu

Woken Friday morning by call to labour ward. Instrumental delivery. Then into next room for another instrumental delivery. Then operating theatre, overfull with added emergencies, including miscarriages and an ectopic - removed by linear salpingotomy with conservation of the tube. 
Briefly home for lunch. I went outside for five minutes to practice my service action, still uncoordinated after all these years but worse with a new racquet.
Back to clinic, all new antenatals, then late home for fish and chips alone, feeling unwell, sneezing repeatedly, joints sore,vague headache,uncomfortable throat. Watched television until called again to labour ward. Another instrumental delivery, and again straight to the next room but this time the baby was born unassisted. It was still attached to its umbilical cord which contained a true knot. No harm done in this case but as many as one in ten can die. Such a stark difference in outcomes, perfectly well or dead.

Home again, feeling progressively worse, but unable to sleep easily.
Woke Saturday aching all over, sore throat, painful cough, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, and on call for next three days and nights without support. Stayed in bed most of the day then finally called into labour ward five minutes after getting to sleep. Really struggling now, ears ringing and coughing up sputum. I have influenza. I cannot prevent it because I am allergic to the vaccine, but why does it always seem to happen when I am on call? That is a rhetorical question.
There is a pain in my left eye and temple.
 I am so stiff and sore that I move like the old man that I am.
I will have to cancel my tennis this week.

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