Friday 2 March 2012

the serve

Things I am thinking about while serving in tennis:
- service grip
- foot behind the line pointing in direction of serve, rear foot parallel with line
- lean forward, moving racket forward and back in preparation, arms straight
- consider the opponent and decide on direction and type of serve
- disengage wrist, tipping racquet down
- left hand with ball in fingers resting against throat of racquet
- rock forward on straight front leg
- rock back until weight above back foot, back leg still straight while swinging racquet back and flicking wrist back
- throw ball straight up at same time, a little forward and at 11 to 12 o'clock
- shift weight forward, bending knees and dropping a little while reaching trophy position with ball-toss arm pointing straight  up at the ball, racquet also pointing up but shoulders tilted backwards
- push up and forwards while initially letting the racquet head drop further behind shoulder blades
- grip racquet so initial push up at ball is side-on then pronate wrist just before contact to increase power
- pull ball-toss arm in to side as racquet makes contact with ball
- move forward

My coach told me there are forty-two different components of a serve. No wonder I am having trouble.

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