Monday 25 July 2011

unlimited wealth

Later, youngest child has returned from schoolfriend's house.They had to share a single bed with broken supports. Nobody wins in a divorce and financial hardship is common. This relates to the homework essay which she is doing right now: what would she do if she had unlimited money?

This is also similar to the question which troubles me: what do you do with the hours of your days? Theoretically an endless supply of money would allow endless possibilities but there is not much difference in the human experience once  basic needs have been met. If you are warm,well fed and have companionship then unlimited wealth doesn't offer a lot. You can travel in greater comfort but family, friends and work are still the greatest source of fulfilment. If I lost my possessions but had those three things my life would still be good.

Back in Teenage Girl World money will unashamedly buy you travel, expensive houses in rich suburbs and unlimited shopping time with your new famous friends. You can have guitar lessons from the best player in the world and learn kite surfing from experts. You can have a personal maid, hairdresser and fashion designer but I suspect that it is never as good in reality as in concept. To my way of thinking  there would be no struggle, no sense of achievement, and no purpose but don't tell that to my daughter.

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