Wednesday 1 June 2011


Woke up and realised I was sick.Sore throat.Sore muscles and joints.My daughter told me she had this yesterday,so not completely unexpected.
I just wanted to lie in bed.Cancel my clinics.See them another day.
And the tennis,my night tennis, was on tonight.I would definitely cancel that.
I knew that I would have to be dying to cancel antenatal clinic.Babies at risk.Diabetics.So I got up,stiff and sore as an old man.Well,an older man than me,at least.
I told my secretary that I wasn't very well,and coughed a few times.I asked if she could cancel my tennis match later when there was a receptionist at the tennis centre, then started on the clinic.
My patients often ask "How are you" before the consultation begins and I often answer as though it is a genuine inquiry ,simply to break the ice,make a small joke,reduce the formality.So today I told a number of people that I was sick and wished I was home in bed.As the day progressed I became aware that  I couldn't find a replacement for the tennis in time.I would have to play while unwell.
On arrival at the courts I let my teammates and opponents know just how incapacitated I was then proceeded to win all my matches for the first time in months.It is difficult to understand because I really am ill.I suppose it is always hard to play a sick or injured opponent.In addition,I have been working hard to improve, but I feel like a fraud.
As usual it is hard to wind down after the intense exercise and competition,so here I am at nearly four am again,tired and now sick as well,with clinics all day,no time to schedule lunch,and on call for labour ward and emergencies tomorrow night as well.After tonight's tennis,it seems I perform well under duress.I certainly hope that is true.

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