Monday 13 June 2011


Not really having the answers myself, I asked my daughter what she would consider to be success and what she would do with it.If she had all the money and all the time in the world then what.Yes, you are the most famous person in the world, but what do you do with the minutes of your day?For me it would make little difference.I would still want to be part of a community, still deliver babies, still worry about being a good parent.It seems that I am already fully occupied with work, learning, family and a little exercise.More money would require more employees to manage it. More holidays would take me away from my work. I would feel useless and incompetent, although I must admit that it would be cool to have the opportunity to become fluent in French. Courament mon ami.However,as with most things, once you finally have it then I  imagine it is no longer so impressive.Helicopter flights to your private island could easily become tedious,staff management tiresome, friends untrustworthy and media intrusive.Wherever you are, you can still only feel with the same senses. If you are not cold, hungry or tired what does the view matter.I once lived for a year at the edge of a meadow which sloped gently down to a small river running through an idyllic Welsh valley There were hedgerows with stiles,majestic trees, cows, rabbits, foxes, robins and cute snuffling hedgehogs. Not to mention the hang-gliders,but that is another story.I loved the idea of our location but couldn't feel it, eat it, or bottle it and take it home with me. It was nice for the occasional walk, but nearly all of our cherished memories are from the people we worked with in the hospital on the other side of the fence.
My daughter is unmoved by my philosophy.She sees success as fame, and celebrity as satisfying work for those who enjoy it, as she would like to.She would happily spend her time dressing up and going out, and could ask for nothing more.She would just like to know which course you apply for to become famous.

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