Wednesday 15 June 2011

lunch is an idea

Removed a benign cervical polyp.
Reassured another patient she doesn't have genital warts.
Keeping an eye on labour ward.Two in early labour, and an induction of labour for a VBAC(vaginal birth after caesarian section).
Next: check pathology results and phone patient with wound infection, which is slowly improving.
Antenatal reviews,no time for lunch.
Lunch is not a meal, more a state of mind. If I cannot stop and rest for a few minutes, then food doesn't matter.I would rather not eat anything at all under stress.
Later: barely warm lasagne delicious.Pot of tea.Book.Noise. Huh? Brain boot.Who am I? Phone answer.Must move,lift head. Squash face drool phone press answer am obstetrician.Yes hello.Labour ward.
Listen to lengthy story but already know answer - yes I will come in.Second stage delay,maternal fever,OP position: vacuum cup rotation and delivery.Call paediatrician to baby.Our daughters performing in school soiree as we work.
Can I see another patient,baby's heartbeat slow, mother pushing ,slow progress - my VBAC lady - vacuum delivery.All well but can I see another patient next door?
Slow progress, dropping foetal heart rate, OP position - vacuum rotation and delivery again. Baby slow to recover so call paediatrician from seeing first baby.Chat about daughters while she resuscitates baby.Electric cord from resuscitation cot  hopelessly hooked around wheel making cot unusable. Patient's electrician husband unable to fix ,can't roll it out of way,so bring in other cot also and no one can get past.Baby now fine.Go check another patient in early labour .No problem but I know her.Just getting started but crying ,doesn't feel she can cope,too tired and anxious.Offer confidence,faith,belief then suggest she get in warm bath and see if it helps.Wish her good luck and drive home.
No longer sleepy.

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