Monday 27 June 2011

checking results

Monday night: results come in after the weekend and need review and entry into patient records before Tuesday's busy antenatal clinics.This gives me time to plan further investigations and search for missing reports before the patient arrives. Otherwise delays in the clinic accumulate until I am well behind time and everyone is unhappy with me before I have started.The disadvantage of this strategy is I leave the clinic two to three hours after everyone else.
Some people just put all the results in a file, either physical or computerized, but I know that this can lead to failure to identify important complications.I write them into the notes and then discard the original.It is tedious but safe,and it clears the record of needless detail which obscures rather than enlightens.Important issues are more clearly exposed.
So there are two of my favourite things - clarity and care, usually the latter leading to the former.I like to see the essence of an issue revealed, laid bare, on display without obfuscation or deceit. I want to protect my patients from harm by paying attention, even if I seem to be the idiot who doesn't know when to go home.

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