Thursday 30 June 2011


Turned off the light at three thirty seven then called by labour ward at three forty.Advised patience but surprised to be called at six twenty.Definitely time to act after three hours in second stage.Dressed and left in the winter dark, two degrees C on my dashboard display.
Almost a brow, considering my options, and my patient asks if I am concerned.Only awake five minutes, and realized I was visualizing the three dimensional anatomy and mentally rotating it to see if she could deliver vaginally.I said I was just sleepy and trying to think. I'm afraid my communication skills are reduced with tiredness, but my theory was correct, the vacuum cup placed very far back able to rotate and deliver a healthy girl without a tear.Write notes. Drive home as the sun approaches the horizon, a golden glow in the east.

Above the town in the west there is a delicate pink glow in answer to the dawn. Tiny car headlights can be seen moving slowly at this distance.
The frosty grass crunches under my shoes.
Inside, the house is asleep. My wife breathes heavily.
She has told me that she is going into hospital on Sunday to try a new course of treatment.

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